Your executive leaders operate at a strategic level, requiring a sophisticated program uniquely tailored to their needs. Created by Dr. Britt Andreatta, the Brain Aware® Executive is a science-based learning solution that gives senior leaders the critical skills to drive continued success across the organization and into the future.
This unique and effective program is delivered in a cohort model through live learning sessions (in-person and video meetings). Sessions are used for hands-on application and contextualizing the content for your organization’s unique culture and long-term strategic vision. Material can flex with real-time discussions and decision-making. Every engaging session brings greater alignment for your executive team, leading to faster achievement of your organization’s critical goals. Brain Aware® Executive includes six interconnected topics creating a set of holistic skills.

Organizational Growth
and Change
Greiner Model of org
growth & development
Assessing org and
function stages
Anticipating pain points
Aligning talent and
operation strategies

Strategic Vision
and Execution
Leading with vision
Crafting effective strategy
Assessing strategy failure
Eliminating barriers
to execution
Building a purpose-driven

Creating an Emotionally
Intelligent Org
Data/ROI on increasing
emotional intelligence
Neuroscience of power
blind spots
Amygdala hijacks and
triggers among exec team

Building a Culture of
Team Excellence
Types of teamwork
Paths to dysfunction &
learned helplessness
Creating psych safety,
inclusion and belonging
Strategies to build culture
of high performance

Leading Effective
Assessing impact
Types of failure
Mapping changes
Overcoming resistance
Increasing adaptability
Designing successful

Boosting Creativity
and Innovation
Critical differences of
creativity & innovation
Science of insight
Pathways to innovation
Org maturity models
Strategies to increase
creativity and innovation