Brain Aware Training

Increasing Emotional Intelligence

The brain-based approach to boosting EQ

Increasing Emotional Intelligence is a brain science–based training program that helps individuals and leaders boost the critical skills of emotional intelligence (EQ) across their organizations.

Emotions are all around us in the workplace. It’s important for everyone to understand how to harness them to increase productivity and cultivate positive relationships. In this course,
you will learn how to boost EQ to better lead teams, work with peers, and manage up by learning what emotional intelligence is, how it factors in at work, and discovering concrete
techniques for raising EQ.

Schedule a meeting to discuss joining the cohort

During this engaging training, you will discover:

Four quadrant of EQ

Discover the four quadrants of emotional intelligence that comprise 20 competencies proven to drive professional and personal effectiveness.

Clarifying core values

Develop self awareness through an exploration of personal values and how they compare to team and organizational values.

Self-control + amygdala hijacks

Evaluate aspects of self-control through identifying and managing emotions + five strategies for managing amygdala hijacks.

Increasing empathy

Explore four qualities of empathy and develop a plan to cultivate empathy in all aspects of your life.

Effective communication

Identify barriers to effective communication and plan to overcome them by matching intent with impact.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Assess ones own emotional intelligence by evaluating engagement in behaviors that cultivate emotional intelligence and create a plan to improve at least one aspect.

ATD CI Preapproved Educator Provider

The Increasing Emotional Intelligence certification program is eligible for 5 ATD Recertification Points.

What sets this Emotional Intelligence training apart?

• Brain science-based solution with proven effectiveness across all kinds of organizations and industries
• Immediately intuitive and easy to apply to both professional and personal situations
• Creates a shared language and approach to emotional intelligence
• Interactive and engaging learning experience with strategies participants can implement immediately
• Leverages best practices and the latest research on how adults learn, ensuring learning sticks
• 100% customizable to your context and culture

Extensive Trainer's Toolkit Includes:

• 1 visually stunning presentation deck with a learning arc of ground-breaking content that drives “aha moments” and behavior change
• Videos of Dr. Britt Andreatta teaching the content, which you can use to learn how to deliver the content and/or share with your participants
• 3 timer movies you can insert into the deck to keep
exercises and discussions on track
• 10 engaging activities to drive sustainable behavior change through hands-on practice and application
• 1 copy of the book Wired to Become: The Brain Science of Finding
Your Purpose, Creating Meaningful Work, and Achieving Your Potential (PDF)
• Feedback from Dr. Andreatta and her team throughout the certification process

Comments from learners

“This was my favorite session.
Understanding hijacks and
triggers really helped push me
to have important conversations
with my team. I also found
the core value exercise
insightful. I understand how
a misalignment in the core
values of team members can
really impact a project or cause
conflict between individuals.”
~ Participants
“Personal reflection worksheets helped me recognize my own hot buttons and how my reactions may affect others in a positive or negative way. Also, it’s important to look inward before we look outward and try to fix everyone else! Great tools for helping us to lead by example!”
~ Participants
“My biggest takeaway was definitely learning about brain science and the amygdala hijack. That was a game changer in how I look at not only my own triggers, but other peoples’ triggers as well.”
~ Participants
“I appreciated the strategies for managing/ dealing with great pressure and reducing anxiety."
~ Participants

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Brain Aware Training

Leading developer of brain science-based training programs that solve today’s workplace challenges.
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